Our Mission
Creating the next generation of metaverse experience that are cool, interesting and inspiring.

Meta GamiMall
Location: 146,60, Decentraland
Work Type: Meta Live Studio Project
Introduction: MetaGamiMall is a Metaverse Gamifi-Mall for games, exhibitions & social. Hosted by MetaLiveStudio & MetaDoge

Meta Pet Gallery
Location: -66,-33
Work Type: Original Work
Introduction: We love pets and we met a crypto fan who love pets as well! Then why not come to Meta Pet Gallery and enjoy our pets show? Check our ground floor garden, try to climb a ladder like a cat, jumping among different floors, what else? Come and check this floating Meta Pet Gallery!

Vault Hill Office
Location: 48, 108, Decentraland
Work Type: Original Work
Introduction: A “Metaverse” in a “Metaverse”. The project was for Vault Hill Office as well as the experience centre in Decentraland, Vault Hill is an emerging Metaverse that has a real-life integration focus, thus, the design echo this point and by using real-life architecture languages, and show the charisma of traditional architectural design. It has three floors, floor 1 is a public atrium, second-floor private space and the rooftop is for over-viewing the outside environment.

CyberPunk Factory
Location: 75,81, Aetheria District, Decentraland
Work Type: Original Work
Introduction: A factory with Punk facade and pixel core, aiming to reveal blockchain+Metaverse spirits. No. 10 in the Aatheria Builder Contest

Metarchitects Studio
Location: Decentraland
Work Type: Original Work
Introduction: The metaverse architecture studio that uses the concept of Genesis voxel, a floating digital box that keeps creating new architectures. It is a manifesto of Metarchitects, it is a representation of Metaverse spirits, it is also a gallery of metaverse architecture language, where you can explore the possible architecture forms in Metaverse.

Watch Tower
Location: -145,22, Decentraland
Work Type: Original Work
Introduction: A fancy Watch Tower for visitors. Come and enjoy the beauty of this sculpture architecture and gallery.

Newbee Live Venue
Location: 57,-30, Decentraland
Work Type: Original Work
Introduction: A venue built for a show, it provides various views and space for visitors, and it is an engaging place for interactions.

Hi, Gallery
Location: Decentraland
Work Type: Orginal Work
Introduction: A “fork” gallery, attracted more than hundreds of metaverse people

Location: 132,-47, Dragon City, Decentraland
Work Type: Participtated Work
Introduction: A revisualization of historic Chinese city Bei Bei from the 1930s to the 1940s, people can revisit the city 80 years ago and get a glimpse of the landmarks of Chinese modern urban planning history.

Molins Astrology Center & Art Gallery
Location: -107,-31, Decentraland
Work Type: Original Work
Introduction: A hub for astrology fans, in this building you can enjoy Molin’s astrology introduction videos, books, see his own created artworks (Tarot cards NFT and Steampunk Dog).

Villa Organic
Location: TBC
Work Type: Original Work
Introduction: "Like a mushroom growing under the tree or a stone lying beside the street." The architecture shows its manner to the environment and the people passed by.